HP1 - Single Burner Outdoor Hot Plate Camping Cooker Fryer with Needle control valve, Home Brewing Single Burner Hot Plate
The HP1H is for use with high pressure propane and will output up to
160,000 btu/hr. This hot plate cooker features sturdy 1" angle iron legs, a large 15.5" x 15.5" angle iron table top with eight heavy duty spokes, a 4" diameter burner head, wind screen, and a 10" cooking height. The HP1H works well for many cooking applications other than just turkey frying. It is a hot plate brew burner often chosen by Home Brewers. Low Pressure, High Pressure, or Natural Gas models.
An optional 8" high-model WG1 folding WIND guard is available for the model HP1 series hot plates. The optional WING side table extensions also fit this outdoor hot plate. A Small GRIDDLE option is seen below. We recommend the use of an optional COM1 regulator for high pressure and the COM5 regulator for low pressure or a natural gas hose with this series of hot plate cookers.
The HP1L has a 40,000 btu/hr low pressure burner and uses low pressure propane. The HP1N uses natural gas and is shown below. Choose your version at the right. All versions come standard with a Control Valve on the burner.
Wt. 23#. Free shipping within the 48 contiguous U.S. States.
HP1 Hot Plate Cooker with 40,000 btu/hr Natural Gas or Low Pressure Propane Burner
HP1H High Pressure, low set up HP1H High Pressure, medium set up